1pc Knife handle mosaic rivets length 45mm mosaic screw nail for DIY knife handle material brass tube diameter 5mm

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1pc Knife handle mosaic rivets length 45mm mosaic screw nail for DIY knife handle material brass tube diameter 5mm

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Pictures of 1pc Knife handle mosaic rivets length 45mm mosaic screw nail for DIY knife handle material brass tube diameter 5mm

1pc Knife handle mosaic rivets length 45mm mosaic screw nail for DIY knife handle material brass tube diameter 5mm

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Addition Information of 1pc Knife handle mosaic rivets length 45mm mosaic screw nail for DIY knife handle material brass tube diameter 5mm

Average Rating (in 5 Stars) : 4.8
Package Type : piece
Lot Number : 1
Ranking in Keyword Knife : 7
Original Price : US $4.99
Sale Price : US $4.99
Validity Discount Expired Date: 2019-02-05

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